Email This

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What is Email This?

Email This is a simple "email me this web page" service. It removes ads, crufty sidebars and distractions from a website and sends the main text and images to you via email. You can then open up your email client and read your saved articles whenever you have some time to spare.

I thought the service was free. Why should I pay for it?

Yes, Email This is a free service. You are welcome to install our bookmarklet or browser extension for free and save articles for later reading.

However, if you find continued utility, please consider making a donation of any amount that you think is good. The recommended amount it $2/month. This will help me pay the bills for maintaining and hosting this service.

The major monetary expenses involved in running this service are the server cost and the cost of email delivery. Apart from this, development and maintenance of Email This takes up a lot of my personal time and energy. While it is rewarding to see people use my app on a regular basis, I would be grateful for your monetary support.

How much should I pay?

That is entirely up to you. I have started a "Pay what you want" campaign where you can choose to pay anything upwards of $2 per month.

Thanks for your support!


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$2+ a month

Email This

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